“Star Shadow” – Gold Trail Grange

“Star Shadow” Gold Trail Grange | Farm Trails El Dorado County

The Grange was built in 1926 as a community gath­ering place after the burning of the Sierra Nevada Hotel. It continues to represent the community as a venue for a wide variety of presentations and fo­rums. Also, outside groups may rent the building, which has hosted everything from exercise classes to memorials and wedding receptions.

The Grange and the quilt are star attractions in the Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park in Coloma, where gold was first discovered January 24, 1848. This quilt block design is thought to date between 1860 and 1890. It was painted by Grange member, Julie Castro..

If you’d like to know more about the Gold Trail Grange, click here!

If you want to travel along the Quilt Trail of El Dorado County, click here for the map!