“Slave Quilt” – Rucksack Cellars
This quilt block design, painted by Jane Harris, is based on an old quilt belonging to owner Maggie Bush’s mother who is 90-years- old. The original quilt was thought to be purchased from slaves by Maggie’s grandfather and has been in the family for many years. The design is very unusual and is very similar to quilts found in a remote African American community of Gee’s Bend, Alabama. The poverty and isolation of the area made closely-knit relationships and a singular style of quilting—bold abstract designs bearing little resemblance to more familiar quilts that are pieced from block patterns. Their quilts have become revered by art lovers throughout the world. It seems fitting that this design graces the Rucksack building because the name rucksack embodies owner Paul’s travels; hitch-hiking across Africa and his desire to discover life away from the ordinary. Of their wine varieties –Chenin Blanc is unusual in the Foothill region—another reason to visit this lovely setting, and ‘think outside the box”.
Click here for more information on Rucksack Cellars!
If you want to travel along the Quilt Trail of El Dorado County, click here for the map!